1. Preparation of submitted manuscripts

The manuscript should be submitted to the editors electronically, as an email attachment, with a request for publication. Manuscripts may be submitted in any commonly used word-processing format. It is recommended that the layout be as simple as possible. Length of peer-reviewed papers should normally be between 5000 and 8000 words, including footnotes but excluding the bibliography and abstracts. Reviews, book introductions, etc. may be shorter. All articles should be accompanied with an abstract of about 150–250 words in Icelandic with an Icelandic title, and in English with an English title, notwithstanding the language of the article itself, as well as five keywords.

Authors are to state clearly how they envisage the final format of the paper, e.g. with regard to special letters and characters and the position of tables and pictures. Pictures and other graphics to be embedded in papers should be provided by the authors themselves and submitted in TIFF format or EPS. The resolution for colour photographs should be 300 dots/inch and 200 dots/inch for black and white photographs. If applicable, authors themselves must arrange for rights to distribute and display pictures. Information as to owner, author and year of the picture’s creation should be provided. It should be saved according to number and title (pic_no_title). Specification as to where the picture is to be placed should be clearly indicated in the text (e.g. “pic no. 1 here”).

Explanatory diagrams and figures are to be submitted fully completed in PDF format. Tables will be accepted as Excel documents. Titles of tables as well as numbers, explanations and sources should be attached to the table. Specification as to where the table is to be placed should be clearly indicated in text (e.g. “table no. 1 here”).

The author’s name should be written in a separate line at the beginning of the paper, followed in the next line by the name of his/her institution/university.


2. Style guide

The font should be Times New Roman, 12 pt., both in headings and main text. Margins are 2.5 cm on each side (justified). Line spacing should be 1½ throughout the document. Authors are asked to remove all commands on ‘paragraph spacing’. New paragraphs should start with indention (use TAB). A blank line should be inserted between paragraphs before and after a section heading or a subsection heading. A section heading should not be indented.

Italics should be used only:

  1. when words or sentences are used as examples
  2. in titles of books, journals, magazines, etc.
  3. for terms foreign to the language used

Bold fonts are only to be used for emphasis on certain words or terms. Any other font changes should only be made in consultation with the editors.

Simple quotation marks should be used for defining meaning of words or strings of words (e.g. Wortart ‘orðflokkur’; come straight to the point ‘koma sér beint að efninu’). Short direct quotations (less than three lines, approx. 40 words) in main text are indicated by normal quotation marks (“…”). Other kinds of quotation marks may be used if in accordance with the established tradition of the language in question. Longer direct quotations (three lines or more than 40 words) should be indented by 1 cm as block quotes, without using quotation marks. Block quotes should have 10 pt. font and should be separated by one blank line before and after each quote. The following paragraph is not indented.

Supplementary remarks to a quotation should be in square brackets and identified with author’s initials, e.g.: [the author was allegedly drunk when he wrote these remarks; N.N.]; an omitted part of a quotation should be indicated by square brackets containing an ellipsis (which can be found in ‘symbols’): […]. The author of the article must explain every change to the font in quotations, e.g.: “Like all infectious diseases, the Black Death has a natural history and can be properly understood only in that context [my emphasis/my italics].”

Years should be written in full in the main text, e.g. 1666–1688 (not 1666–88). A long dash (n-dash) should be used for page numbers and years, e.g.: pp. 35–89. This can be produced by the combination Ctrl -.

Headlines may be used for chapter divisions as well as for subdivisions, numerically organized as needed, but chaper divisions should not exceed two levels, e.g.:

2. Hellenistic Epistemology
2.1 Epicurean Epistemology



3. Citation Guidelines

Citations follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Authors may choose whether they use parenthetical citations (author-date style) or citations in footnotes (author-title style). In all instances the article is followed by a bibliography and follow the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.

Web pages should only be cited when necessary. Citations should never refer to web resources with restricted access.

Examples can be seen here.